CSS Blog

Market Shares of Foundries in the Chip Industry in Q2 2021

This week’s featured graphic shows market shares of companies in the chip industry, more specifically in its contract manufacturing segment. For more information on microchips and on fragile networks underpinning the semiconductor industry, read Julian Kamasa’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.

CSS Blog Coronavirus

Strategic Foresight: Can Prediction Challenges Be a New Tool for Governments?

Hindsight is 2020, foresight is 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly changed the lives of almost everyone on the planet, causing more than four million recorded deaths, changing the way we travel, work, and socialize, as well as reducing the global economic output by trillions of dollars. As such, the pandemic has reinforced the willingness to engage in strategic foresight and to «think about the unthinkable».

CSS Blog Regional Stability

Cell Broadcast: Sinnvolle Ergänzung zur Alarmierung der Bevölkerung

Im Ernstfall kann eine rechtzeitige öffentliche Warnung vor Extremereignissen Leben retten. Die Schweiz setzt dabei derzeit auf einen Mix aus Sirenen, Radio, Fernsehen und der Warnapp «Alertswiss». Da beinahe alle SchweizerInnen Mobiltelefone besitzen, könnte dieser Mix um Cell Broadcast ergänzt werden.

CSS Blog

Interdependencies of Trends Relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System

This week’s featured graphic points out the interdependencies of trends relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System. For more on uncertainties, challenges and opportunities of trends in civil protection, read Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Florian Roth, Marco Käser, Tim Prior, and Benjamin Scharte’s CSS’ Risk and Resilience Report here.

Cyber CSS Blog

Initiators and Defenders in Major Cyber Theft Incidents, 2000 – 2018

This week’s featured graphic maps the nations in which major cyber theft incidents were initiated and countries affected by these attacks between 2000 and 2018. To find out what this highlights about the eclipse of Western military-technological superiority, read Michael Hass’ chapter for Strategic Trends 2019 here.