Cyber CSS Blog

From natural hazards to cyber resilience: Moving beyond traditional risk analysis

Image: The Concept of Embodied Uncertainty as visualized by Sword-Daniels et al. (2018)

Affluence and vulnerability are often seen as opposite sides of a coin – with affluence generally understood as reducing forms of vulnerability through increased resilience and adaptive capacity. However, during the past ten years, my research with a range of colleagues has consistently highlighted the need to re-examine this dynamic relationship in the context of climate change, natural hazards, and associated disasters. A new collaboration recently provided an opportunity to develop this work further, by applying resilience thinking from the realm of disaster research to another pressing research topic: cyber security.

CSS Blog

Consequences of Climate Change in Switzerland

This week’s featured graphic illustrates the consequences of climate change in Switzerland. For more on Climate Change in the Swiss Alps, read Christine Eriksen and Andrin Hauri’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.

CSS Blog Coronavirus

Strategic Foresight: Can Prediction Challenges Be a New Tool for Governments?

Hindsight is 2020, foresight is 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic abruptly changed the lives of almost everyone on the planet, causing more than four million recorded deaths, changing the way we travel, work, and socialize, as well as reducing the global economic output by trillions of dollars. As such, the pandemic has reinforced the willingness to engage in strategic foresight and to «think about the unthinkable».

Coronavirus CSS Blog

Crisis Management Structures Federation/Bundesländer

This week’s featured graphic shows Germany’s crisis management structures on federal and on Bundesländer level. For more on Germany’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rethinking of its civil protection, read Benjamin Scharte’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.

CSS Blog

Interdependencies of Trends Relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System

This week’s featured graphic points out the interdependencies of trends relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System. For more on uncertainties, challenges and opportunities of trends in civil protection, read Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Florian Roth, Marco Käser, Tim Prior, and Benjamin Scharte’s CSS’ Risk and Resilience Report here.