This week’s featured graphic shows the roles within the fighter jet inventories of Germany, France and Spain. For more on current developments of European fighter programs, read Amos Dossi and Niklas Masuhr’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.
Tag: Germany
Im Ernstfall kann eine rechtzeitige öffentliche Warnung vor Extremereignissen Leben retten. Die Schweiz setzt dabei derzeit auf einen Mix aus Sirenen, Radio, Fernsehen und der Warnapp «Alertswiss». Da beinahe alle SchweizerInnen Mobiltelefone besitzen, könnte dieser Mix um Cell Broadcast ergänzt werden.
This week’s featured graphic shows Germany’s crisis management structures on federal and on Bundesländer level. For more on Germany’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rethinking of its civil protection, read Benjamin Scharte’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.
Strategic Trends 2021 offers a concise analysis of major developments in world affairs, with a focus on international security. It features chapters on China-Russia relations and transatlantic security, Franco-German-British security cooperation after Brexit, Turkey’s power projection in the Middle East and beyond, Europe and major-power shifts in the Middle East, and Japanese and South Korean perspectives on changing power configurations in Asia.
This article was originally published by the Council on Foreign Relations on 8 June 2020.
In early May, it was reported that Germany’s federal prosecutor issued an arrest warrant for Dmitriy Badin, the Russian hacker behind the 2015 cyberattacks targeting the Bundestag. Despite this, it is unclear what steps the German government has taken to pursue Badin internationally and how Germany and the United States will manage their separate efforts to arrest him.