Im Ernstfall kann eine rechtzeitige öffentliche Warnung vor Extremereignissen Leben retten. Die Schweiz setzt dabei derzeit auf einen Mix aus Sirenen, Radio, Fernsehen und der Warnapp «Alertswiss». Da beinahe alle SchweizerInnen Mobiltelefone besitzen, könnte dieser Mix um Cell Broadcast ergänzt werden.
Tag: Netherlands
This week’s featured graphics outline how cybersecurity responsibilities are shared among governmental organizations in the Netherlands. For more information on national cybersecurity strategies and cybersecurity challenges in Italy, as well as in Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy and Switzerland, read Marie Baezner and Sean Cordey’s CSS cyber defense report here.

This article was originally published by the Norwegian institute of International Affairs (NUPI) on 29 January 2019.
This Policy Brief provides an overview of the military cyber-defence strategies and capabilities of Norway and of the Netherlands. Comparison of the two different approaches offers insights into their differing tactics and future policy directions. The Brief contributes with a small-state perspective on this malleable and constantly changing field, nuancing the hitherto US-centred debate on the utility and need for deterrence and defence in cyberspace.

This article was originally published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on 9 December 2016.
Millions of people around the world went to the polls this year. The results provided plenty of surprises. British voters defied the pollsters and voted to leave the European Union. Colombians did much the same in rejecting their government’s peace deal with FARC, though Colombia’s president found a way to complete the deal a few months later without a vote. The biggest electoral surprise of all might have been in the United States, where Donald Trump defied the political experts and defeated Hillary Clinton. Perhaps 2017 will produce similarly surprising results. Here are ten elections to watch.