CSS Blog

Market Shares of Foundries in the Chip Industry in Q2 2021

This week’s featured graphic shows market shares of companies in the chip industry, more specifically in its contract manufacturing segment. For more information on microchips and on fragile networks underpinning the semiconductor industry, read Julian Kamasa’s CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

Imports to Switzerland

As a highly developed, landlocked resource-poor country that relies on imports for many vital commodities and services, Switzerland is comparatively vulnerable to disruptions of supply. This graphic provides an overview of a selected number of such imports and more.

To find out about how Switzerland attempts to ensure the supply of essential goods and services in times of crises, read Andrin Hauri’s CSS Analyses in Security Policy on ‘National Economic Supply as an Emergency Precaution.’

CSS Blog

Imports to Switzerland

As a highly developed, landlocked resource-poor country that relies on imports for many vital commodities and services, Switzerland is comparatively vulnerable to disruptions of supply. This graphic provides an overview of a selected number of such imports and more.

To find out about how Switzerland attempts to ensure the supply of essential goods and services in times of crises, read Andrin Hauri’s CSS Analyses in Security Policy ‘National Economic Supply as an Emergency Precaution.’

CSS Blog

Missions of the Swiss National Economic Supply (NES) Organization

This week’s featured graphic summarizes the efforts of Switzerland’s National Economic Supply (NES) organization to deal with shortages in vital goods and services since 2010. To find out more about the NES, read Andrin Hauri’s new CSS Analysis in Security Policy on ‘National Economic Supply as an Emergency Precaution’.

CSS Blog Coronavirus

Imports to Switzerland

As a highly developed, landlocked resource-poor country that relies on imports for many vital commodities and services, Switzerland is comparatively vulnerable to disruptions of supply. This graphic provides an overview of a selected number of such imports and more.

To find out about how Switzerland attempts to ensure the supply of essential goods and services in times of crises, read Andrin Hauri’s recent CSS Analyses in Security Policy ‘National Economic Supply as an Emergency Precaution.’