Coronavirus CSS Blog

Die Schweiz hat mit einer anderen Pandemie gerechnet, aber flexibel geplant

Bild: © Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG)

Dieser Blogbeitrag gehört zur Coronavirus-Blog-Reihe des CSS, die einen Teil des Forschungsprojektes zu den sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen der Corona-Krise bildet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der CSS-Sonderthemenseite zur Corona-Krise.

Der Pandemieplan der Schweiz fokussiert auf Influenzaviren. Wie nützlich ist das in einer Corona-Pandemie? Hat die Schweiz für den falschen Fall geplant? Die Antwort ist ja – und nein. Viele Checklisten und Tabellen des Influenza-Pandemieplans lassen sich in der Corona-Pandemie nur bedingt nutzen. Gleichzeitig ist der Plan aber von der Idee der «systemischen Flexibilität» durchdrungen. Weil eine Pandemie nie so stattfindet, wie im Szenario durchgespielt, müssen sich die Schweiz und ihr Gesundheitssystem anpassungsfähig zeigen.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

Europe’s Outlier: Belarus and Covid-19

Image courtesy of Benno Zogg.

This blog belongs to the CSS’ coronavirus blog series, which forms a part of the center’s analysis of the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis. See the CSS special theme page on the coronavirus for more.

Instead of taking meaningful measures, the Belarusian government downplayed the threat of the coronavirus and suggested obscure cures. This is a dangerous bet by a regime afraid of economic downturn and appearing weak – similar to several other regimes with strongman leaders. Given Belarusians lack faith in the government’s response and official data, they are taking personal responsibility for their fate. This goes against the grain of the political culture in the country and underscores that authoritarian regimes’ habitual methods may reach their limits during such a crisis.

Coronavirus CSS Blog Cyber

Why the Covid-19 Crisis Offers an Opportunity for Lasting Change in Cybersecurity

This blog belongs to the CSS’ coronavirus blog series, which forms a part of the center’s analysis of the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis. See the CSS special theme page on the coronavirus for more.

Millions are now working from home with unfamiliar software, providing massive opportunities for malicious actors. In response, volunteers from the information security sector have formed collaborative initiatives to disseminate urgently needed information to the public. This post examines how the current crisis conditions enabled the formation of the COVID-19 Cyber Threat Coalition (CTC), the largest of these initiatives, based on an interview with the founder. It also identifies an opportunity to institutionalize a similar, need-based threat information platform through government action.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

The Coronavirus and Regime-Protestor Dynamics in Algeria

Image courtesy of dzpixel/Flickr. (CC BY-SA 2.0)

This blog belongs to the CSS’ coronavirus blog series, which forms a part of the center’s analysis of the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis. See the CSS special theme page on the coronavirus for more.

The corona crisis is a double-edged sword for the Algerian regime. The lockdown and curfew is playing in the regime’s favor by bringing temporary relief from protests. Yet, the long-term consequences of the crisis will test the regime’s ability to manage economic recovery and popular dissent.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

Distancing, But Not Socially

Image courtesy of Siouxsie Wiles/Toby Morris/The Spinoff. CC BY-SA

This blog belongs to the CSS’ coronavirus blog series, which forms a part of the center’s analysis of the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis. See the CSS special theme page on the coronavirus for more.

How resilience can help cope with the corona pandemic

Research shows that close social ties, personal networks and helping each other are crucial in dealing with severe crises. This includes the current corona crisis. Thus, fighting the virus is about physical and not “social distancing”.