This week’s featured graphic shows Russia, China, and European Security. To find out more on the impact of the China-Russia relationship on transatlantic security, read Brian G. Carlson’s Strategic Trends 2021 chapter here.
Tag: European Security
Bild: © VBS. Philipp Schmidli. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 CH
Dieser Blogbeitrag gehört zur Coronavirus-Blog-Reihe des CSS, die einen Teil des Forschungsprojektes zu den sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen der Corona-Krise bildet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der CSS-Sonderthemenseite zur Corona-Krise.
Im aktuellen Verlauf der Corona-Krise zeichnen sich ambivalente Auswirkungen auf die Militärpolitik der europäischen Staaten ab. Einerseits drohen einbrechende Wehretats und zusätzliche Erwartungen im Hinblick auf subsidiäre Einsätze. Anderseits birgt dieses Fundamentalereignis auch die Chance, die politisch-gesellschaftliche Verankerung der Streitkräfte zu festigen – vorausgesetzt, in seiner Aufarbeitung gelingt die Abstraktion von der «Pandemie» zum allgemeineren «Krisenfall» und von der «Landesverteidigung» zur umfassenderen «strategischen Krisenversicherung».

This article was originally published by the IPI Global Observatory on 4 March 2020.
President Emmanuel Macron of France laid out a bold vision for Europe during the Munich Security Conference (MSC) last month. “We need a European strategy that allows us to present ourselves as a strategic power. The Europe I have in mind is a Europe that is sovereign, united, and democratic,” he said. Macron has increasingly invoked this vision as an answer to the prevailing perception in Europe that the United States is beginning to withdraw from the international stage, leaving a void that is slowly being filled by China and Russia.

This article was originally published by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) on 02 March 2020.
China is increasingly seen as the central threat to the liberal Western world order. A growing sense that this shift is unstoppable creates a climate of discussion that overlooks important alternatives, writes Nadine Godehardt.
The ESA and Switzerland
This week’s featured graphic provides an overview of the European Space Agency (ESA) member states and more. For an insight into space security and technological development, see Michael Haas’ CSS Analysis in Security Policy here.