Coronavirus CSS Blog

Streitkräfte als strategische Krisenversicherung? Militärpolitische Implikationen der Corona-Krise in Europa

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Dieser Blogbeitrag gehört zur Coronavirus-Blog-Reihe des CSS, die einen Teil des Forschungsprojektes zu den sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen der Corona-Krise bildet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der CSS-Sonderthemenseite zur Corona-Krise.

Im aktuellen Verlauf der Corona-Krise zeichnen sich ambivalente Auswirkungen auf die Militärpolitik der europäischen Staaten ab. Einerseits drohen einbrechende Wehretats und zusätzliche Erwartungen im Hinblick auf subsidiäre Einsätze. Anderseits birgt dieses Fundamentalereignis auch die Chance, die politisch-gesellschaftliche Verankerung der Streitkräfte zu festigen – vorausgesetzt, in seiner Aufarbeitung gelingt die Abstraktion von der «Pandemie» zum allgemeineren «Krisenfall» und von der «Landesverteidigung» zur umfassenderen «strategischen Krisenversicherung».

CSS Blog Cyber

Cyber Command’s Strategy Risks Friction with Allies

Image courtesy of Franklin Ramos/DVIDS.

This article was originally published by Lawfare on 28 May 2019.

Much has been written about the fundamental changes in U.S. cyber strategy. U.S. Cyber Command’s vision of “persistent engagement” and the Department of Defense’s new strategy of “defend forward” have, in particular, led to numerous critical remarks about the risks of escalation between the U.S. and its main adversaries in cyberspace.

A Geopolitical Commission? Beware the Industrial-strategic Gap in EU Defence Policy

Image courtesy of the European Parliament/Flickr. (CC BY 2.0)

This article was originally published by the Elcano Royal Institute on 10 January 2020.


To what extent will the European Commission’s efforts to promote a rationalisation of the European defence industry be based on a common political and strategic vision about the future of European defence?

Europe’s “Just Do It” Moment

Image courtesy of GregMontani/Pixabay

This article was originally published by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in October 2019.

It may strike as odd coming from this author, but this is no time for grand strategy. As the European Union enters a new cycle, it’s overarching priority in the world should be action.

The last five years have been formative as far as European foreign policy goes. They have set the foundations for a European defence union. Whereas the EU acronym soup of recent defence initiatives may appear obscure to outside observers, for a Union that has historically struggled to inch forward in this field, they are huge. Furthermore, the outgoing Commission and High Representative have triggered a fundamental change in the way the EU works in the world. While institutional silos still exist, joined-up foreign policy making and an integrated approach to conflicts are now part of the European foreign policy lexicon, and to an extent practice too.

After Crimea: Does NATO Have the Means to Defend Europe?

Image courtesy of Clayton Lenhardt/DVIDS.

This article was originally published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) in April 2019.

Military spending may now figure in public conversation about NATO. But the alliance, at 70 years old, still lacks military capabilities strong enough to protect Europe from Russia