CSS Blog

Russian Defense Spending

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These graphics provide an overview of the trend in Russia’s defense spending, outlining spending between 2010 and 2018 as well as forecasts for the defense budget up to 2021. For an insight into the prospects for Russia’s defense spending and more, see ‘Russian Analytical Digest No. 237: Security Issues’.

CSS Blog

Russian-Chinese Trade Relations


This graphic shows Russia and China’s trade relations with one another and the rest of the world. For an insight into the potential of Moscow and Beijing’s partnership, read Jeronim Perović and Benno Zogg’s recent #CSSAnalyses in Security Policy here.

CSS Blog Cyber

National Cybersecurity Organizations, Main Bodies and Responsibilities: Netherlands


This week’s featured graphics outline how cybersecurity responsibilities are shared among governmental organizations in the Netherlands. For more information on national cybersecurity strategies and cybersecurity challenges in Italy, as well as in Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy and Switzerland, read Marie Baezner and Sean Cordey’s CSS cyber defense report here.

Cyber CSS Blog

National Cybersecurity Organizations, Main Bodies and Responsibilities: Italy

Cyber CSS Blog

National Cybersecurity Organizations, Main Bodies and Responsibilities: Israel


This week’s featured graphics outline how cybersecurity responsibilities are shared among governmental organizations in Israel. For more information on national cybersecurity strategies and cybersecurity challenges in Israel, as well as in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland, read Marie Baezner and Sean Cordey’s CSS cyber defense report here.