CSS Blog Coronavirus

Covid-19: Ursprung des neuen Coronavirus und Gegenmassnahmen

Am Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020, fand am Center for Security Studies (CSS) der ETH Zürich das dritte Brown Bag Webinar zum Thema «Covid-19: Ursprung des neuen Coronavirus und Gegenmassnahmen» statt. Michèle Gemünden, Molekularbiologin und Senior Researcher im Team schweizerische und euroatlantische Sicherheit am CSS, widmete sich folgenden Fragen: Ist das Virus tatsächlich vom Tier auf den Menschen übergesprungen oder ist es doch versehentlich aus einem Hochsicherheitslabor entwichen? Wann wird ein wirksamer Impfstoff zur Verfügung stehen? Und wie effizient sind Gesichtsmasken gegen eine Ansteckung?

CSS Blog

Most Important US Trading Partners by Rank

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This graphic maps and ranks the US’ most important trading partners by trade volume. For an analysis of how this ranking is reflected in the Trump administration’s approach to trade policy, read Jack Thompson’s new Strategic Trends 2019 chapter here. For more CSS charts, maps and graphics on economics, click here.

The US-Chinese Trade War Begins

Image courtesy of The White House/Flickr.

This article was originally published by YaleGlobal Online on 19 September 2018.

In his book Fear, journalist Bob Woodward suggests that Donald Trump’s protectionist instincts may be stronger than previously thought, preventing him from making commercial peace with traditional allies or trade partners. Recent actions against China leave no doubt. Yet, this is not simply the Trump administration directing “protectionist firepower” against China, to quote James Politi of the Financial Times. A geopolitical fight is also emerging about global technological leadership and US ambitions to contain China on this crucial frontier.

How to Make Trade Easier

WTO Ministerial Conference 2011
WTO Ministerial Conference 2011. Photo: World Trade Organization/flickr.

WASHINGTON, DC – The world is now in the fourth year of the Great Recession. So far, the economies belonging to the World Trade Organization have resisted the kind of widespread protectionism that would make a bad situation much worse. But protectionist pressures are building as weary politicians hear more and more calls for economic nationalism.

The WTO’s best defense of open trade is a good offense. A new WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement would benefit all by increasing developing countries’ capacity to trade, strengthening the WTO’s development mandate, and boosting global economic growth. More than a decade after the launch of the Doha Round of global free-trade talks, this agreement could be a down payment on the commitment that WTO members have made to linking trade and development.

Global Trade Alert

How does Russia’s decision to increase tariffs on imported automobiles impact world trade? Is your country affected by the EU’s reintroduction of export refunds for milk, butter and butteroil?

These are the kind of questions Global Trade Alert addresses. The project was launched today by a network of economic research organizations, coordinated by Simon J Evenett, Professor at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and Programme Co-Director at the Centre for Economic Policy Research.

“Global Trade Alert provides real-time information on state measures taken during the current global downturn that are likely to affect foreign commerce. It goes beyond other monitoring initiatives by identifying the trading partners likely to be harmed by these measures.”

Do you know of any policy measure affecting international trade? You can report it on Global Trade Alert.

Is your country affected by the latest trade policy measure?
Is your country affected by the latest trade policy measure?