
This Week at the ISN…

It's week 37 on the ISN's editorial calendar, Photo: Tom Magliery/flickr

We’ll be highlighting the following topics:

  • In ISN Insights on Monday, King’s College London’s Dr Harsh Pant analyzes the impact of Anna Hazare’s movement on Indian democracy.
  • On Tuesday, we’ll showcase an upcoming partner event, run by the Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), about the impact of think tanks.
  • Peter Buxbaum puts US-German relations under the microscope in ISN Insights on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday we present our latest syllabus on national and transnational terrorism.
  • Friday’s ISN Podcast discusses troop withdrawal in Afghanistan.

And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here on: prospects for peace in the 21st century global order; cybercrime and cybersecurity; the Israelite connections of the Taliban; the end of European exceptionalism; and post-9/11 trends in intelligence


This Week at the ISN…

It's week 36 on the ISN's editorial calendar, Photo: Sebastian Crump/flickr

We’ll be highlighting the following topics this week:

  • In ISN Insights on Monday, University of St Andrews Professor Gerard DeGroot asks whether the international order has largely moved beyond large-scale conflict.
  • Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature takes a closer look at power politics and the state of the European project.
  • On the eve of the 10-year anniversary of 9/11, Dr Shalva Weil of Hebrew University explores the little-known Israelite connections of the Taliban, in Wednesday’s ISN Insight.
  • Thursday’s ISN Special Feature dissects the historical argument for great power retrenchment.
  • Friday’s ISN Podcast discusses post-9/11 trends in intelligence.

And catch up on last week’s coverage here about: the history of the eurozone crisis; corruption and asset recovery; the Pentagon’s budget strategy; UN peacekeeping pub trivia; and Thai domestic politics.


This Week at the ISN…

It's week 35 on the ISN's 2011 editorial calendar, Photo: cloud_hopper/flickr

We’ll take a closer look at the following topics this week — among many others:

  • Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature offers up a reading syllabus on corruption.
  • On Thursday, we examine Bangladesh’s special dedication to UN peacekeeping in our ISN Special Feature.
  • And in Friday’s ISN Podcast, Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak discusses domestic politics in Thailand.

And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here on: European Central Bank policy failure; astonishing facts about water to commemorate ‘World Water Week’; South Africa’s Zuma and the future of the ANC; water security including an interactive map; and exploring the ‘fusion alternative’ to enhance energy security.


This Week at the ISN…

It's week 34 on the ISN's 2011 editorial calendar, Photo: castle79/flickr

This week we’re highlighting the following topics — and so much more:

  • Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature highlights some astonishing facts about water — in the first of a two part series this week on the topic.
  • In Wednesday’s ISN Insights feature, Professor Derek Catsam takes a closer look at South African President Jacob Zuma’s chances for re-election or betrayal  — and what his precarious position says more generally about the state of South African politics.
  • Wrapping up our two part series on water, Thursday’s ISN Special Feature offers up an interactive map on environmental security, with water being a case in point.
  • And Friday’s ISN Podcast tackles the heady topic of energy security and the exploration of fusion energy as an alternative.

And you can catch up on last week’s features here on: Macedonian nation building; drones and international law; South America’s security dilemma; water, conflict and gender; and one year after the Pakistani floods.

<a rel=”attachment wp-att-20458″ href=”″><img class=”size-medium wp-image-20458″ title=”34″ src=”×358.jpg” alt=”” width=”450″ height=”358″ /></a>
It&#39;s week 34 on the ISN&#39;s 2011 editorial calendar, Photo: castle79/flickr

<strong>This week we’re highlighting the following topics — and so much more: </strong>
<li>In <a href=””><em><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>ISN Insights</span></em></a> on Monday, co-Director of the <a href=””>Center for Economic and Policy Research</a> Dr Dean Baker opines about the failures of European Central Bank policy that have contributed to — and perpetuated — the European debt crisis.</li>
<li>Tuesday’s<em><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”> ISN Special Feature</span></em> highlights some astonishing facts about water — in the first of a two part series this week on the topic.</li>
<li>In Wednesday’s<a href=””><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><em> </em></span></a><a href=””><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><em>ISN Insight</em></span>s</a> feature, Professor Derek Catsam takes a closer look at South African President Jacob Zuma’s chances for re-election or betrayal  — and what his precarious position says more generally about the state of South African politics.</li>
<li>Wrapping up our two part series on water, Thursday’s <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><em>ISN Special Feature</em></span> offers up an interactive map on water security along the cooperation-conflict spectrum.</li>
<li>And Friday’s <a href=””><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><em>ISN Podcast</em></span></a> tackles the heady topic of fusion energy.</li>
<em><strong>And you can catch up on last week’s features here on:</strong> <a href=”;ots627=fce62fe0-528d-4884-9cdf-283c282cf0b2&amp;id=131925&amp;contextid734=131925&amp;contextid735=131924&amp;tabid=131924&amp;dynrel=4888caa0-b3db-1461-98b9-e20e7b9c13d4,0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233″>Macedonian nation building</a>; <a href=””>drones and international law</a>; South America’s <a href=”;ots627=fce62fe0-528d-4884-9cdf-283c282cf0b2&amp;id=132085&amp;contextid734=132085&amp;contextid735=132070&amp;tabid=132070&amp;dynrel=0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233,4888caa0-b3db-1461-98b9-e20e7b9c13d4,40db1b50-7439-887d-706e-8ec00590bdb9″>security dilemma</a>; <a href=””>water, conflict and gender</a>; and one year after the <a href=”;lng=en&amp;id=132164″>Pakistani floods</a>.</em>


This Week at the ISN…

Check out what's in store during week 33 on our editorial calendar, Photo: Eva Ekeblad/flickr

This week the ISN will feature the following content — and much more:

  • In Monday’s ISN Insights package, Dr Plamen Pantev, Professor of International Relations and Law at Sofia University, opines about the Macedonian government’s ongoing efforts to mold a modern national identity against the backdrop of the area’s ancient history.
  • International law and the use of drones is under examination in Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature.
  • Wednesday’s ISN Insights feature — courtesy of Samuel Novacich and Eliot Brockner — takes a closer look  at a Latin American paradox: seeming government gains against organized crime at the same time that criminal networks appear to be strengthening.
  • On Thursday, we’ll showcase an Upcoming Partner Event run by the Environmental Change and Security Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars that explores the links between gender, conflict and water.
  • Friday’s ISN Podcast assesses Pakistan’s recovery one year after the devastating floods.

And check out last week’s special coverage here on: the Niger Delta’s resource curse; cartography and IR; military interventionism; OSINT; and India and power.