This week the ISN will feature the following content — and much more:
- In Monday’s ISN Insights package, Dr Plamen Pantev, Professor of International Relations and Law at Sofia University, opines about the Macedonian government’s ongoing efforts to mold a modern national identity against the backdrop of the area’s ancient history.
- International law and the use of drones is under examination in Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature.
- Wednesday’s ISN Insights feature — courtesy of Samuel Novacich and Eliot Brockner — takes a closer look at a Latin American paradox: seeming government gains against organized crime at the same time that criminal networks appear to be strengthening.
- On Thursday, we’ll showcase an Upcoming Partner Event run by the Environmental Change and Security Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars that explores the links between gender, conflict and water.
- Friday’s ISN Podcast assesses Pakistan’s recovery one year after the devastating floods.
And check out last week’s special coverage here on: the Niger Delta’s resource curse; cartography and IR; military interventionism; OSINT; and India and power.