We’ll take a closer look at the following topics this week — among many others:
- In ISN Insights on Monday, Dr Robert Cutler, of Carleton University’s Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, synthesizes the history of the eurozone debt crisis — bringing us to a better understanding of how and why the financial morass has deepened.
- Tuesday’s ISN Special Feature offers up a reading syllabus on corruption.
- In ISN Insights on Wednesday, Defense Technology International’s senior editor, Paul McLeary, analyzes the Pentagon’s problems with budgeting strategy.
- On Thursday, we examine Bangladesh’s special dedication to UN peacekeeping in our ISN Special Feature.
- And in Friday’s ISN Podcast, Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak discusses domestic politics in Thailand.
And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here on: European Central Bank policy failure; astonishing facts about water to commemorate ‘World Water Week’; South Africa’s Zuma and the future of the ANC; water security including an interactive map; and exploring the ‘fusion alternative’ to enhance energy security.