CSS Blog

China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has both a land-based and a maritime component. This graphic provides an overview of the maritime element, the Maritime Silk Road Initiative (MSRI) which connects China to Europe and Africa via the Middle East. For an insight into the BRI in the Middle East, including its implications for China’s impact on the region, read Lisa Watanabe’s CSS Analyses in Security Policy here.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

Hotspots for Outbreaks of New and Recurring Diseases

Why has the coronavirus affected some territories more than others? This week’s featured graphic illustrates the hotspots for outbreaks of new and recurring diseases. For more on global health security and infectious disease containment, read Ursula Jasper’s CSS Analyses here.

CSS Blog

The US National Defense and International Affairs Budget

This graphic outlines the US national defense and international affairs budget from 1990-2019. To find out more, click here to read Jack Thompson’s Strategic Trends 2018 chapter on how the US is struggling to manage external challenges as well as domestic constraints, such as the underfunding and mismanagement of the military and diplomatic corps.

CSS Blog

Arms Control Treaties, Nuclear Weapons, and Military Expenditure 1945-2020

This graphic depicts the stockpiles of nuclear weapons, arms control treaties and military expenditure in the United States of America and Russia between 1945 and 2020.

For a deeper look into arms control in Russia, the Russian government’s policy options in nuclear arms control & the differing conceptions of strategic stability in the 21st century of the USA, Russia, China, and Europe, read this issue of the Russian Analytical Digest here

CSS Blog

Interdependencies of Trends Relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System

Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization, Climate Change – many overarching trends and developments have the potential to alter the lives of billions of people in the coming years. This graphic maps the relevant trends for the Swiss civil protection system in the next 5 to 10 years and outlines examples of their interdependencies.

For an analysis on how these trends will affect the civil protection system in Switzerland, read this CSS “Trend Analysis Civil Protection 2030 Uncertainties, Challenges and Opportunities” report here.