With tough weeks ahead for negotiators, experts and politicians in the picturesque Danish capital, the ISN takes a closer look at the political and geopolitical stakes of the global climate change game.
- In our Special Report this week Christian Hirschi asks whether industrialized and industralizing countries alike will just keep “polluting first and cleaning up later” or whether some measurable progress- even without a legally binding treaty- will be made next week. In the second article, Sara Kuepfer examines the effects of climate change on the Arctic and stresses the urgent need for a framework for the international management of this geostrategically valuable and contested region.
- In our Policy Briefs section, an East-West Center publication addresses the issue of climate change and state commitments. It focuses on China’s likely negotiation position.
- Another interesting item from our extensive Policy Brief holdings: a Center for Security Studies analysis of the climate change – security policy nexus.
- In Publications, a paper by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development detailing approaches that enable developing countries to achieve greater access to climate change technology.
- In our IR Directory a link to the Arctic Council and the International Institute for Environment and Development.
And please remember that last month’s Special Issue Newsletter on the topic can be found here.