This week the ISN takes a closer look at the enormous challenges facing Saudi Arabia on both its domestic and foreign policy fronts. The world is watching to see how the Middle East’s largest country will address its internal discord, while jockeying for regional dominance in 2010 and beyond.
The ISN Special Report contains the following content:
- An Analysis by Dr Amnon Aran examines the challenges and opportunities of Saudi foreign policy, arguing that its promotion of the Middle East peace process could improve not only its geopolitical standing but wider regional stability.
- A Podcast interview with Toby Jones debunks some of the stereotypes about the country’s deep-seated political and religious conservatism to paint a more nuanced picture of a complex land.
- Security Watch stories about Saudi internet jihad, the country’s foreign relations from Iran to Yemen and much more.
- Publications housed in our Digital Library, including a recent US Congressional Research Service analysis of Saudi-US relations.
- Primary Resources, like the Saudi government’s “Initiatives and Actions to Combat Terrorism.”
- Links to relevant websites, among them the Saudi Woman’s Blog that deals with life and culture in the country from a woman’s perspective.
- Our IR Directory with relevant organizations, including the Ministry of Saudi Foreign Affairs and the Center for Contemporary Middle Eastern Countries.