All this week ISN Insights takes a closer look at relations between Europe and the Islamic world, courtesy of the young scholars who made up our 2010 Junior Associates’ program:
- We examine the phenomenon of ‘Islamophobia’ on Monday – what it is, and how to break the vicious cycle that perpetuates it.
- On Tuesday we tackle counter-radicalization policy in a divided Britain.
- The prospect of enhanced counterterrorism cooperation between EU and Maghreb countries is up for discussion on Wednesday.
- On Thursday we round out the weekly theme with an examination of Turkey’s new role in the geostrategic landscape of Euro-Muslim relations.
- Our podcast on Friday delivers the second installment of a discussion about Swiss peace mediation, thanks to Dr Simon Mason of the the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich.
And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here with articles about: AFRICOM’s combat christening in Libya; China’s looming food crisis; Russia’s impending conscription crisis; harnessing the power of social media for the international affairs community; and a podcast on Swiss peace mediation.