CSS Blog

Security, Political and Economic Competition between the US and China

The US-​Chinese rivalry is becoming the prime mover of global affairs. This graphic outlines the competition between these two countries focusing on Europe at the security, political and economic levels.

To put these numbers into context, read Jack Thompson’s Strategic Trends 2020 chapter on China, the US and the world order here.

CSS Blog

Strategic Trends 2020: Kriegsgefahr zwischen China und USA?

Am Donnerstag, 30. April 2020, führte das Center for Security Studies (CSS) der ETH Zürich das zweite CSS Brown Bag Webinar durch. Michael Haas und Niklas Masuhr präsentieren ihr Kapitel “US-China Relations and the Spectre of Great Power War”  aus der kürzlich erschienen CSS Jahrespublikation Strategic Trends 2020. Im Vordergrund stand dabei die Frage, wie wahrscheinlich eine kriegerische Auseinandersetzung zwischen den USA und China heute ist.

Coronavirus CSS Blog

The US-China Clash over Corona Has Implications for Nuclear Arms Control

Image courtesy of the White House/Flickr.

This blog belongs to the CSS’ coronavirus blog series, which forms a part of the center’s analysis of the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis. See the CSS special theme page on the coronavirus for more.

US-China relations are at a new low-point following the global spread of the coronavirus, which first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. The pandemic has exacerbated tensions in what was already a fragile relationship, plagued by disputes on issues related to the South China Sea, Taiwan, trade, and 5G technology. Nuclear weapons, however, were not featured as a central element of the US-China confrontation, at least not at same level as other issues of contention, but this is likely to change. A recent call for China to drastically increase its nuclear arsenal published in the nationalistic Chinese newspaper the Global Times has revived a domestic debate on Chinese nuclear deterrence, highlighting concerns over perceived US hostile behavior.

CSS Blog

Strategic Trends 2020: Wie wahrscheinlich ist ein Krieg zwischen den USA und China?

In diesem Podcast analysieren die CSS-Experten Oliver Thränert, Michael Haas und Niklas Masuhr die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und China und mögliche Ursachen für einen militärischen Konflikt zwischen beiden Grossmächten. Das Gespräch basiert auf dem kürzlich im Rahmen der Publikation «Strategic Trends 2020» erschienenen Kapitel «US-China Relations and the Specter of Great Power War» von Michael Haas und Niklas Masuhr. Strategic Trends ist eine Jahrespublikation des Center for Security Studies der ETH Zürich, die sich wichtigen weltpolitischen Entwicklungen widmet. Strategic Trends 2020 lesen Sie hier.

CSS Blog

GDP Based on Purchasing Power Parity in China and the US

This graphic compares the gross domestic product (GDP) of China to that of the US between 1990 and today. Although China has become the world’s largest economy in terms of GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP), the United States remains ahead in terms of GDP per capita based on PPP.

For more on China, the US and the world order, read Jack Thompson’s Strategic Trends 2020 chapter here.