After decades of violence and political polarization, Sri Lanka is taking tentative steps toward peace and reconciliation. A broader discourse and policies that take the socio-economic needs of all ethnic groups into account is vital for conflict resolution.
This Special Report includes the following content:
- An Analysis by Nobert Ropers, director of the Berghof Foundation for Peace Support in Berlin, on the dangers inherent in an uneven victory by the Sri Lankan government over the Tamil Tigers.
- A Podcast with Asoka Bandarage of Georgetown University examining the need for a more inclusive approach to peacebuilding, less focused on the narrow ethnic dualism of the conflict.
- Security Watch articles on the war and its aftermath, including the refugee crisis.
- Publications housed in our Digital Library, including an International Crisis Group report on the Tamil Diaspora after the LTTE and an Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies paper on India’s role in post-conflict Sri Lanka.
- Primary Resources, including the Sri Lankan constitution.
- Links to external resources, including The Virtual Library of Sri Lanka.
- Our IR Directory with relevant organizations, including the Centre for Policy Alternatives based in Colombo.