As a great revolutionary commander, Hugo Chávez knows how to motivate his troops. His military career clearly inspires him in his current job as a populist leader.
It’s been deliciously entertaining to follow last Sunday’s election on Chávez’s blog and twitter stream. I thought I’d (roughly) translate a few selected pieces of his rhetoric for the benefit of all the English-speakers out there. Here’s how the Venezuelan president rallied his troops on the eve of the election:
21:50, Saturday 25 September – Chávez’s blog
“These have been difficult times. Full of pain. But the People are taking it into their stride. Fight. And always vanquish! The time has come, so let’s go! Charge!!
We pray God and give our love to those who suffer most. And despite the pain and the exhausting effort, we leave early for the battle.
Everybody on the offensive at reveille! We will demonstrate again that the revolution is here to stay! No one remains without voting!
The bugle call must resound in every corner of the Nation announcing what will be a great Popular Victory!!
Come on, all candangueros and candangueras, tweet reports from the Operation Willian Lara!”