Belarus’ importance as an independent actor in Eastern Europe is growing – a fact that is underlined by Swiss Foreign Minister Cassis’ attendance at the opening of the Swiss embassy in Minsk and meeting with Belarusian President Lukashenko in February 2020. This graphic illustrates four different integration projects, of which Belarus is a member. For more on Belarus’ foreign policies and strategies, read Benno Zogg’s addition to the CSS Analyses in Security Policy series ‘Belarus between East and West: The Art of the Deal‘.
Tag: Eurasia
The Belt and Road Initiative in Eurasia
For transit between China and Europe, railway links are paramount. Albeit at least three times more expensive than shipping, overland rail transport can cut transportation times in half to around two weeks. This graphic maps several infrastructure and extraction projects, including railroads and pipelines, in Eurasia that have been labeled as part of the Belt and Road Initiative.
For an insight into the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Eurasia, read Benno Zogg’s chapter in Strategic Trends 2020, which can be found here.
Chinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) ist ein beispielloses Projekt, das mit vielen Facetten daherkommt und schwer zu fassen ist. Im CSS Brown Bag Webinar am 11. Juni 2020 befasste sich Benno Zogg, Senior Researcher am CSS, mit der BRI in Eurasien. Dort zeigen sich bereits jetzt die konkreten Ausprägungen chinesischer Investitionen. Einige Länder in diesem Raum sind zu wichtigen Transitachsen zwischen China und Europa sowie gewichtigen Rohstofflieferanten für China geworden. Durch sein zunehmendes wirtschaftliches, aber auch politisches Engagement – gar im Sicherheitsbereich und durch multilaterale Formate – hat China eine Grundlage für beträchtlichen Einfluss geschaffen. Lokale Regierungen und Bevölkerungen indes gehen ganz verschieden mit diesem Akteur um.
Das ist eine Präsentation von Benno Zoggs Kapitel aus Strategic Trends 2020.
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Eurasia’s Trade Partners
This graphic illustrates the total values of Eurasian countries’ trade with China, the EU, Russia and the rest of the world – including imports and exports – between October 2018 and September 2019.
For an insight into the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Eurasia, read Benno Zogg’s chapter in Strategic Trends 2020, which can be found here.
International Organizations in Eurasia
This graphic maps the participation of Eurasian states in different international organizations, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Eurasian Economy Union (EAEU).
For an insight into the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Eurasia, read Benno Zogg’s chapter in Strategic Trends 2020, which can be found here.