A sign in Argentina reads: ‘The Falklands are Argentinian.’ Photo: Gilmar Mattos/flickr
Next month will determine the eventual fate of the Falkland Islands—and the 1.4 billion barrels of oil so far discovered there—when a referendum on self-determination is held.
In the run-up to that referendum, Argentina has stepped up the rhetoric, most recently with the Argentine Foreign Minister claiming that within 20 years, the Falkland Islands will be entirely under Argentina’s control.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has responded by calling this a counterproductive “fantasy”. Hague says the government of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has refused diplomatic dialogue and chosen instead a path of “bullying”.
Liquid Natural Gas Tanker. Image by Lens Envy/flickr.
As global energy supplies come under increasing attack by non-state actors and private energy holdings become key targets of political maneuverings and criminal activities, Oilprice.com discusses the nature of the growing threat and how to reverse the risk with “smart power.”
To help us look at these issues we got together with Corporate intelligence specialists Jellyfish Operations and security expert Jennifer Giroux.
Michael Bagley is the president of Jellyfish, a global boutique intelligence firm that combines on-the-ground intelligence collection and analytics with an unprecedented country-to-country economic diplomacy program that helps governments, corporations, institutions and private individuals forge secure partnerships, discover new opportunities and mitigate operational risks.
Jennifer Giroux is a global security expert who specializes in emerging threats to energy infrastructure in conflict-affected regions.
In the Interview Michael & Jennifer talk about the following:
• Why the risk to global energy supplies is increasing • Violent entrepreneurialism: Why piracy is on the rise • The most immediate threats to global energy security • Which countries are most likely to see attacks in the future • Why Saudi Arabia could be the next country to have its energy infrastructure come under attack • Why energy companies assets are becoming key targets. • How energy companies can create opportunities in Conflict-Affected Regions • Why companies need more than just intelligence to operate in hostile environments