On the 9 October, the ISN and the Center for Security Studies (our parent organization) hosted an expert panel organized by the US Embassy in Bern. The panelists, who included Ms. Susan M. Elbow, Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy; Professor Antonius Liedhegener; Mr. Claude Longchamp; and Professor Corwin Smidt, provided their observations on how US international relations and security interests are impacting the current American presidential elections, if at all. You can find out more about their perspectives and opinions by watching the following video.
For further information on the topic, please view the following publications from our partners:
Three Months to Election Day: What do the Numbers Tell Us?
US Election Note: The Military vs Development Aid
Trends in US Military Spending
For more information on issues and events that shape our world please visit the ISN’s Security Watch and Editorial Plan.