This week the ISN highlights the following topics:
- In our ISN Insights’ feature on Monday, the Jamestown Foundation’s Roman Muzalevsky analyzes the challenges and opportunities of enhancing energy security in Pakistan.
- We offer up a readers’ syllabus on market interventionism on Tuesday.
- US-China relations are under the microscope in an ISN Insights’ package on Wednesday, headlined by award-winning Washington Times’ reporter Shaun Waterman.
- On Thursday, we highlight a mixed-media special feature about historical counterfactuals in civil wars and insurgencies.
- And on Friday, we feature a Council on Foreign Relations‘ podcast interview with Rwandan President Paul Kagame.
And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here on: the history of the Jewish presence in Pakistan; the US Institute of Peace’s conference on North Korea; evolving US-Czech relations on missile defense; a discussion of Pakistan as a ‘failed state’; and violence in South Kordofan.