We’ll highlight the following topics:
- In ISN Insights on Monday, Dr John Daly of Johns Hopkins Central Asia-Caucasus Institute previews the trial of ‘Merchant of Death’ Victor Bout set to open this week
- On Tuesday, we’ll feature our vast content holdings on Liberia
- In Wednesday’s ISN Insight, Professor Plamen Pantev from Sofia University discusses an oft forgotten geostrategic realm: the states surrounding the Black Sea
- On Thursday, we offer up a brief history of power
- In Friday’s ISN podcast, Andreas Kleiser discusses the work of the International Commission of Missing Persons
And in case you missed any of last week’s coverage, you can catch up here on: a new Saudi security force funded by the US; an update on Northern Kosovo; Putin’s return to the Kremlin; a profile of Kenneth Waltz; and a discussion on the real and perceived threats of cyberwarfare