The ISN staff is happy to announce that our blog is changing and improving. Yes, we will continue doing what we do now, but we are going to do it in a more kaleidoscope and comprehensive way.
Beginning on the second of April, the ISN Blog will run on a recurring four week cycle.
Week 1 will be business as usual. It will feature 1) original pieces produced by the ISN team, 2) rapporteur reports on local conferences, seminars, workshops and presentations, 3) pieces written by scholars working at our parent organization, the Center for Security Studies, and 4) content provided by regular contributors.
Week 2, however, will look different. We are pleased to announce that we have established a collaborative partnership with the widely respected blogging site, Global Voices. During this week, we will draw on this vast community of bloggers and translators to bring you recurring international relations and security-centered perspectives from five different parts of the world. We will provide these perspectives in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.
But we’re not done there. Our new blogging cycle is also committed to featuring commentaries from the approximately 250 organizations that make up our network of partners and affiliates. As a result, during Week 3 we will feature expert analyses and observations provided by those affiliated with our partner network.
Finally, in Week 4 we will initiate a new partnership with Project Syndicate. That means that we will publish recurring commentaries by Joseph Nye, Yuriko Koike and Anne-Marie Slaughter. Their contributions, in turn, will be supplemented with pieces written by other prominent international relations, security and economic analysts, including Jorge Castenada, Michel Rocard, Shlomo Ben-Ami and Jeffrey Sachs. As in the case of Global Voices, we will provide these commentaries in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.
We hope you will come to share our enthusiasm for this new approach to our blogging site. The mix of subjects, writers and perspectives we will provide will stretch from the local to the global. It will feature voices that range from the prominent to the on-the-ground observer, and from the far-flung to familiar members of our partner network. And perhaps most importantly, this kaleidoscope of voices will reinforce the topics we will be exploring on the main page of our website. (Please refer to our Editorial Plan for a description of these topics.) Both activities will ideally reinforce each other and enrich your experience when you navigate different portions of our site. So, let the blogging begin and thank you for your interest in the ISN!
If you want to learn more about our partners, you can visit our Partner Page and go through our network of partners and affiliates. You can also visit our parent organization, the Center for Security Studies.
In each blog post we will suggest a number of different publications from our extensive Digital Library, for a more extensive look into the topic.
Please visit our Editorial Plan page for a brief description of the architecture for our content in the months ahead.