Last week, ISN Insights looked at:
- Pakistan’s struggle with a rising tide of extremism in a piece by Salma M Siddiqui.
- Hungary’s controversial new media law in an article by Jeremy Druker.
- The improving prospects in African economies in an article by Edoardo Totolo.
- America’s long-range defense strategy in a piece by Peter A Buxbaum.
- Estonia’s domestic and foreign policy status in last Friday’s ISN Podcast interview with Piret Ehin.
This week, we’ll be looking at: the anti-UN momentum in the US Congress, NATO-Russia relations, the reform process in Libya, the Domodevo bombing and much more.
Make sure to tune in each day for the newest ISN Insights package. And if you’re an active Twitter or Facebook user, look us up and become a follower/fan!