Last week, ISN Insights looked at:
- Bosnia’s post-election future in a piece by Anes Alic
- The importance of nuclear nonproliferation efforts and the dangers of hyping up the nuclear bomb threat in an article by Justin Alger
- The struggle for democracy in Iraq in a piece by Mark N Katz
- Al-Qaida’s fast-evolving strategy in Yemen in a piece by Jarret Brachman
- An ISN Podcast questioning the role of higher education in developed societies with Alison Wolf
This week, we will be examining: Congo minerals, Indian defense policy, the effects of global currency wars on Africa, the upcoming elections in Belarus and Haiti in Friday’s ISN Podcast.
Make sure to tune in each day for the newest ISN Insights package. And if you’re an active Twitter or Facebook user, look us up and become a follower/fan!