In the same vein as our list of interesting international relations actors on Facebook, we put together a list of interesting audio sources for you to explore (again, in random order).
1. Council on Foreign Relations Podcasts
2. London School of Economics Public Lectures and Events Podcasts
3. UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations Podcasts
4. World Radio Switzerland Podcasts on International Relations
5. The Economist Audio and Video
7. C-SPAN Radio
8. New York Times World View Podcast
9. BBC Radio From Our Own Correspondent Series
10. World Politics Review Podcasts
Some, like C-SPAN, provide a live stream of congressional events, speeches and hearings (often on foreign affairs); others offer insights into current affairs drawn from expert interviews, while the Economist, for example, provides audio summaries of their Special Reports and a weekly podcast outlining the key events to look out for in the days ahead. The London School of Economics and the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations provide audio and video files of speeches and public lectures held at the schools on a wide variety of topics and often by high profile speakers.
And remember that we can also be found on the audio airwaves – enjoy ISN podcasts at home or on the go!
Any other podcasters that deserve a mention?