Last week, ISN Insights looked at:
- Vietnam’s geopolitical status in a piece by Denis Burke
- E-diplomacy and it’s impact on foreign policy in an article by Fergus Hanson
- The thriving private military security industry in a piece by Jody Ray Bennett
- Colombia’s fast-evolving foreign policy in an article by Eliot Brockner
- Haiti’s long path to recovery in Friday’s ISN Podcast with Aimee Ansari of Oxfam
This week we’ll examine the following issues: Pakistan’s internal turmoil, Hungary’s deep polarization and the recent media law controversy, US long-range strike capabilities, Africa’s increasingly optimistic economic outlook, and the issue of corruption.
Make sure to tune in each day for the newest ISN Insights package. And if you’re an active Twitter or Facebook user, look us up and become a follower/fan!